Apple iPad - latest launch from Apple

Apple never fails to impress me. One typically drools over their products, especially of late and their prices are getting more affordable unlike 10-20 years ago :-)

Steve Jobs just launched the iPad. Really something. If you're about to buy a netbook, wait...see if the iPad will work better for you. I'm tempted to get one as soon as they start selling. Why not?

As my Gen Y daughter says, "It's an iPhone and laptop hybrid, who would've thought that'd be possible so soon? On hindsight though, these days it's actually not much of a surprise especially with Apple. Anyhow, seems pricey in US$ and may also likely well be by the time it's (or if!) sold locally here but it'll probably be convenient and will see some personal 'productivity' increase for those who can afford one. The book reader function looks nifty and could actually be well-utilized."

For more info, visit: Looks like it can be a great educational tool. Another revolution in education perhaps? What do you think?


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