Missing in Action - New Learning Technologies to be Faulted
If you've been around on the Internet and are keeping track of the various learning technologies available, you would know how it feels to be overwhelmed by the choices, resources and information available online.
Since I started using Facebook (FB), prompted by a colleague from Japan, way back in 2009 (I think), I realize that as I spent more time on FB I spent less time on my blog. What this means is that either I have to create a framework for myself on how to make my presence felt in the online education community or I get "pulled" by the tools that attract my attention at that time. FB is not the only tool I focused on the last couple of years. The FB groups I created for my students, courses and those that arose out of felt needs to support post-workshop events, have consumed much of my online time.
In addition, I discovered Scoop.It! and Spring It! I have now been busy curating for the latter two. I also have this urge to use Pinterest I think you will agree with me that educators are now spoilt for choices.
Not only in terms of tools like the above but also, the opportunities to enrol in online courses or learning communities. My favorites (at this point in time) are: MOOCs and Coursera.
Talking about learning technologies, Jan Hart, one of my favorite educators whom I follow is again, inviting her readers to suggest the top 100 tools for 2012. So if you'd like to make a difference to the list, go visit http://c4lpt.co.uk/top-100-tools-for-learning-2011/voting-2012/
Moving on, a couple of resources depicting trending issues are related to what we should know about teaching in the 21st century: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/what-teachers-need-to-know-about-21st.html and how higher education will evolve: http://www.ted.com/talks/peter_norvig_the_100_000_student_classroom.html