MOOCs - massive open online courses

There's always something new to look forward to. MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses are the next thing to watch out for. You can be part of it, either actively or passively, as a participant in an online course that is attended by hundreds or thousands from more than a dozen countries over a period of time. These are typically hosted by an institution and participation is invited by various online modes or communication.

For example, next Monday, we have the University of Illinois at Springfield making availabile a new not-for-credit MOOC devoted to examining the state of online education and where e-learning is heading. If you're keen to join, you may do so by registering for the eduMOOC2011 course at:

Coming up next is a MOOC organised by George Siemens from Athabasca University in Canada together with Stephen Downes and Dave Cormier. Siemens' is known for his ideas on connectivist learning and has become famous because of it. The online course will run for 36 weeks (September 12, 2011 - May 2012). The team has assembled educationists from around the world to share their work and experience related to e-learning, distance education, mobile learning, personal learning environments, authentic learning, open scholoarship, etc. etc.

For more information, visit: To register, click at:


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