
Showing posts from August, 2009

Academia 2.0

There is a call for universities to transform the educational environment to better serve students today. Students are learning a different set of information and we need to help them learn how to learn. They need to be educated in a different way from the past. Today, technology is the main core of a student's life and academia needs to adopt and adapt in terms of technology utilisation. The following video illustrates why so:

America's teens today - how education needs to progress

Some of you may have watched the "Did you know . . . " video from YouTube. It's gone into several editions, the latest of which is here, comprising the latest statistics. Dr. Howie DiBlasi is the one who should be credited for these series of videos depicting the current situation among students today and how educators need to re-think about what we're providing to them. View this interesting video:

Is social learning the future of eLearning?

Jan Hart is advocating the very idea that social networking will become the foundation for eLearning in the future. I think it will be in some instances but not always. In countries that have exams at the very core of the curriculum, this may not happen or very little of it will happen. However, in countries where the curriculum is more open ended in terms of content, social learning is definitely one of the better ways to "teach" or produce learning. View Jan's slides here: The future of e-learning is social learning View more documents from Jane Hart .

Fostering learning in a mobile world

After a year of work on the mobile learning project, it's good to be able to report the success and tribulations of the initiative. Of course, it's not just about mobile learning per se but the role it plays and how it contributes to the learning process are more important. How m-learning fits in today's digital world or caters to the Gen Y learners on our campuses is the bigger issue and should provide the framework for how we do things. The presentation from ICI9 Conference this morning is below: Ici9keynote Zwa Aug13 2009 Final2 View more presentations from zoraini .