Goodbye 2008, hello 2009
2008 was a very interesting year. I began to see how Web 2.0 can be applied and how m-learning can work. It was a year of experimentation, discovery and lots of trials and errors. In short, 2008 provided the opportunity of learning more about emerging technologies. I actually made time (and enjoyed) trying out a few of the tools to see how they could benefit learners: blogs, Twitter, Wikis, YouTube, Delicious, Slideshare and more. I recall, how in 1989, I’d suggested the three ways to describe learning and the computer: about , from and with . These three approaches are still relevant today. Learning about the computer is what computer literacy is all about. Learning from the computer was about CAI/L, CALL, CBI/E/T and so on. Today, it is about learning from the Internet. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of educational treasures out on the Web and one can learn from these treasures. However, it is learning with the computer that has always attracted my attenti...